Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day #73, Coq Au Vin

I'm down to the last two entrees on the dinner menu, the Coq Au Vin and the Turkey Meatloaf. Today I'm having the Coq Au Vin, and I'm really excited about it. I've had it before, but I ordered it with out the sauce and just at the chicken plain. It was really good that way, but I thought it to be even better with the sauce.

Our Coq Au vin is made with tender boneless chicken thighs braised in a rich red wine sauce. It's paired with roasted garlic whipped potatoes and vegetable du jour.

Coq Au Vin is traditionally a french dish, but various legends trace it to ancient  Gaul and Julius Caesar, but the recipe was not documented until the early 20th century.It is generally accepted that it existed as a rustic dish long before that.

I think it's great that we have a traditionally French dish on the menu. I think it's even better that most people like it, and it is really popular. It's not something that you are going to find very often at another restaurant and I like the idea that it is special to the Laundry.

Even I like this dish. It is a little heavy, especially with the mashed potatoes as a side. However, our mashed potatoes are AWESOME. I thought this dish to be very flavorful and delicious. Although I had reservations about eating the Coq Au Vin sauce before, now I think that it really adds great flavor to the dish. Give it a try if you are looking for something out of the ordinary!


  1. What does Coq Au Vin mean in French?

  2. It means cock in wine. It is traditionally made with a rooster. The meat is tougher and requires a long cooking time. Coq Au Vin usually take 2 days to make properly but you can cut that shorter with a broiler and a shorter marinade.
